“Shermann Thomas is the consummate Chicagoan. His story reflects the drive, toughness, and wherewithal many Chicagoans carry themselves with. Through his local history content, a lot of people are learning there’s more to Chicago than heartbreaking gun violence. Every Chicagoan should be proud of Shermann Thomas.”
Evan Moore-
Author & Award Winning Journalist

"What we're seeing here (in @6figga_dilla) is an astonishing intellectual, a Chicago historian, essentially self-trained, practicing his craft-no notes, no Powerpoint-talking and teaching for hours on end; students, I hope you are asking, 'But how? How does he do it?"
Stephen T. Ziliak-
Professor of Economics at Roosevelt University; Professor of Business & Law, University of Newcastle, Australia

“His wry sense of humor and love of history comes through in his choice of stories, his delivery, the music, even the less-than-polished production values — text on top of archival image on top of Shermann,” Baer said. “I learned a number of things I didn’t know. Such as the taxicab wars, the beef scandal (of the 1950s), the last alderman to be murdered.”